Cherry Tree Story Status?

What kind of story is the cherry tree story?  Is it a legend or a myth?

The story itself is a fictional event that is portrayed as being a historical fact.  That is the definition of a “legend.”

A “myth” runs deeper.  This is evident in religion, which show how a myth can support entire belief systems and cultures.

So is the Cherry Tree Story a legend or a myth?

There is a quality to it that is simply legendary, on the level where it is the story of heroic young George who confesses to his misdeeds.  This is legendary behavior.

But has the Cherry Tree Story left the realm of legend?  Has it instead, through some combination of literary and cultural apotheosis, risen to stand as near-equal with man’s great myths?

Certainly, time will tell.  After all, this story is only 300 years old and so is still a baby by story standards.  Perhaps we should reconvene to discuss in 3oo years, that sounds fair.