Category: Definitions

  • Word Saturnine

    sat·ur·nine ˈsatərˌnīn/ adjective adjective: saturnine (of a person or their manner) slow and gloomy.“a saturnine temperament” synonyms: gloomy, somber, melancholy, moody, lugubrious, dour, glum, morose, unsmiling, humorless “a saturnine temperament” antonyms: cheerful (of a person or their features) dark in coloring and moody or mysterious.“his saturnine face and dark, watchful eyes” synonyms: swarthy, dark, dark-skinned,…

  • Word obsequious 

    ob·se·qui·ousəbˈsēkwēəs/ adjective obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree. “they were served by obsequious waiters” synonyms: servile, ingratiating, sycophantic, fawning, unctuous, oily, oleaginous, groveling, cringing, subservient, submissive, slavish; More Feedback

  • Word lachrymose

    lach·ry·moseˈlakrəˌmōs,-ˌmōz/ adjectiveformalliterary tearful or given to weeping. “she was pink-eyed and lachrymose” inducing tears; sad. “a lachrymose children’s classic” Feedback

  • Word solipsistic

    sol·ip·sism (sŏl′ĭp-sĭz′əm, sō′lĭp-)n. 1. Philosophy The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified. 2. The view that the self is the only reality. [Latin sōlus, alone; see s(w)e- in Indo-European roots + Latin ipse, self + -ism.] sol′ip·sist n. sol′ip·sis′tic adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,…

  • Word Lacunae

    Lacunae  la·cu·na ləˈk(y)o͞onə/ noun plural noun: lacunae an unfilled space or interval; a gap. “the journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies” a missing portion in a book or manuscript. ANATOMY a cavity or depression, especially in bone. Feedback

  • Word Eponymous 

    Eponymous  pon·y·mous əˈpänəməs/ adjective (of a person) giving their name to something. “the eponymous hero of the novel” (of a thing) named after a particular person. “Roseanne’s eponymous hit TV series”

  • Words: insouciance

    Insouciance  in·sou·ci·ance inˈso͞osēəns,ˌaNso͞oˈsyäNs/ noun casual lack of concern; indifference. “an impression of boyish insouciance” synonyms: nonchalance, unconcern, indifference, heedlessness, calm, equanimity, composure, ease, airiness; informalcool “through his own profligacy and insouciance in raising money, he brought about the very thing he had hoped to avoid” Feedback

  • Words: defenestration 

    Defenestration de·fen·es·tra·tion dēˌfenəˈstrāSHən/ noun 1. formalhumorous the action of throwing someone or something out of a window. “death by defenestration has a venerable history” 2. informal the action of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority. “that victory resulted in Churchill’s own defenestration by the war-weary British electorate” Feedback

  • Definition Billow

    bil·low  (bĭl′ō) n. 1. A large wave or swell of water. 2. A great swell, surge, or undulating mass, as of smoke or sound. v. bil·lowed, bil·low·ing, bil·lows v.intr. 1. To surge or roll in billows. 2. To swell out or bulge: sheets billowing in the breeze. To cause to billow: wind that billowed…

  • Definition Churlish

    churl·ish  (chûr′lĭsh) adj. 1. Of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar. 2. Having a bad disposition; surly: “as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear” (Shakespeare). 3. Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable.